Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Grass Clippings

As I was walking down the street, I noticed an older woman cutting her grass. When I explained my project to her and asked to record she thought I was nuts. She agreed to let me hear her cut, but only for a limited time. Notice how the mower sound changes from grass to pavement. By the end of the recording I didn't want to scare the lady more by asking for a picture.
Take A Listen

Your It!

A church group was meeting in a small building and outside on the porch several children would run up and down the wood planks leaving the mind to hear a sort of playful chase scene that we have come to know as tag.

Let the Game Begin

Mysterious Yard Work

When walking down the street, I could only hear the sound of the machine going beyond the fence and to me sounded like a small chain saw. After listening for awhile, I realized the noise didn't change as if something were being cut. And as I walked around the corner after recording I solved the mystery.

Take A Listen

Bird Brunch

The chirping of several birds drew my attention to some feeders hanging from the porch of a house. After scaring the birds away once, the second time I got close enough to hear them, and also a clock from inside the house.

Listen In

Band Geeks

I ended up taking two separate soundwalks due to some technical difficulties. On my first, I came up on a high school marching band practicing and was able to retrieve the sound from my mini-disc. I know its musical, but it was a found sound that I unexpectantly came upon and found very interesting.

Check it Out

Drift Map

My Drift Map

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Drift Strategy

For my drift, I thought that I would use an algorithmic strategy going following this following pattern: Left, Left, Right, Right, Straight, Left, Right. When I took this course, the zig zag pattern has me slowly move from campus out to the many streets of housing. Also due to technical difficulties, I made two soundwalks, and one of my sounds came from the first walk when I journeyed through Riverside Park.